How Are Med School Apps Going?

I thought it might be good to start this section off by defining where exactly I am in my medical school journey right now. I am currently in my gap year. I graduated last May, 2020, and will start medical school in the fall of 2021. 

I applied to 28 medical schools, and have so far had a solid chunk of rejections (that’s normal), five interviews, one acceptance (just one acceptance is pretty normal), one waitlist, and a bunch of silence. 

I took my MCAT over the summer before I started my senior year of college; essentially, I took my MCAT one year before I actually submitted my application. When you take the MCAT can totally vary depending on your schedule. I personally decided to take it at the end of the summer because I didn’t want to have to juggle school classes with MCAT studying, but I know plenty of people who preferred to take a lighter semester and study while they were at school instead.

I could essentially paste my CV on here but I’m not sure that is super helpful to anyone. In the process of getting to this point I have made sure to get some volunteering, clinical experience, shadowing, research, and teaching experience prior to applying. 

Having said that, and I know it can be a bit frustrating to hear, but everyone’s path is different! What luckily worked out for me may not fit for someone else and that’s perfectly fine. All I’ve been telling myself this application cycle is that I only need to get into one school to become a doctor. I’ve also been trying not to pay attention to others and how their process is going (although this is very difficult with social media and/or hearsay).

Working on a few posts for this section of my blog, so stay tuned.